When representatives fail to repreent

It’s time for the citizenry to speak up and call for the immediate removal of every Senator that just voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.  They have revealed who they truly are, and blatantly violated their oaths of office to uphold the constitution of the United Stated of America without any remorse.

It is now clear that the elected officials holding office, by in large, have forgotten that this nation’s founders structured the government in a manner that could be described as servant leadership.  The officials don’t get to make their own rules, they are to be accountable to the citizens that elected them to office.  (Perhaps the citizenry has also forgotten this.)

The citizens.

Not the Rothschilds.

Not the Rockefellers.

Not the lobbyists.

Not the Lucifarian elite that these officials are continually capitulating to by refusing to end child blood sacrifice at every single opportunity that comes their way.

They were elected to represent, not to dictate.

They were entrusted to be true to their oath.

They have failed. Miserably.

How many though, will go any further in responding to this, than a momentary discussion of “how could they?” and actually place a call, send an email, or actually show up in person to make their voices heard?

How many will exercise their right of free speech to DO SOMETHING, anything- beyond sitting at home saying “it’s wrong?”

God repeatedly calls those that are His to be watchmen on the wall. To speak up when they see something wrong.  To call it what it is and not mince words, trying to explain things away as being “nuanced.”  Speak up when you know you should, for keeping silent means that their blood will be on your hands too.

Those that voted in opposition of this bill placed their signature of approval on CHILD BLOOD SACRIFICE.

Have we forgotten in Genesis, when God says clearly, that Able’s blood cried out from the ground?  That was one man.  How many BILLION have been slaughtered in the name of “choice” and “convenience?”

So the question is: what will you do?